Buncombe County Republican Women Resolve Support for Chairman

At their April 14 meeting, the Buncombe County Republican Women’s Club unanimously passed the following resolution:

RESOLUTION- Due Process for NCGOP Chairman

WHEREAS, Hasan Harnett was duly elected by the rank and file members of the North Carolina Republican Party at the 2015 State Convention; and

WHEREAS, Hasan Harnett continues to serve the State GOP with a special regard for the concerns and opinions of the grass roots activists of the party; and

WHEREAS, by the State GOP Plan of Organization, Hasan Harnett’s term of elected office extends until the State GOP convention of 2017; and

WHEREAS, no criminal or civil charges have preferred against Hasan Harnett for any alleged malfeasance he may have committed in his capacity as NCGOP Chairman; and

WHEREAS, certain members of the State GOP Central Committee have sought to deny Hasan Harnett access to email, party databases, office space and other resources and technology he needs to perform his duties as prescribed by the Plan of Organization; and

WHEREAS, certain members of the State GOP interpret the Plan of Organization in such manner as to construe it to give them the powers to over-ride Hasan Harnett in the routine execution of his duties; and

WHEREAS, certain members of the Central Committee have sought to usurp powers of the Executive Committee as prescribed by the Plan of Organization in controlling or disciplining Hasan Harnett in his capacity as NCGOP Chairman; now, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED by the North Carolina Republican Party that Hasan Harnett is to be sustained as the NCGOP Chairman with the full powers and authority as prescribed by the Plan of Organization until his term of elected office is completed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NCGOP Central Committee is directed to work collaboratively with the Chairman in a positive and productive manner, to afford the Chairman all the rights, privileges and courtesies associated with the position, and to refrain from denying him access to his email, party databases, office space, or any resources afforded the previous Chairmen, without due process and the expressed permission of the Executive Committee.

Adopted this 14th day of April, 2016

(signed by Linda Humphries, President and Beth Gurnack, Secretary )

You can see and download an image of the resolution here.

At the same meeting, the Buncombe County Republican Women’s Club also passed  are Resolution of Support of House Bill 2 and a Resolution requesting amendment to the NCGOP Plan of Organization increasing authority of party chairman and executive committee. – Editor

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