Email is a wonderful thing. Especially in the world of politics, where lies and double-talk are, unfortunately, the norm instead of the exception. Anyway, I digress.
The state GOP’s resolutions committee was hard at work last night trying to meet a deadline for the upcoming convention. Here’s our friend Jim Womack conversing with State Rep. John Blust, his committee colleagues and other interested parties:
Attached to this email are three resolutions. The first two were brought to the Resolutions Committee separately to correct problems with openness and transparency by the Central Committee. The third resolution was one prepared internal to the Resolutions Committee to merge the two (at the request of one of the members). We voted all three resolutions. The first two had at least seven committee votes each, which was near unanimous of those participating (only one dissenting vote by my count). Only three people voted to submit the merged resolution, falling well short of plurality. Last night, at 11:30PM I forwarded the seven resolutions that passed our committee up to the Central Committee. After you stopped communicating with the committee members around 9PM last night we all thought you were going to miss his deadline for filing the report, so I filed it in your absence.[…]
Here are the three resolutions ( ONE) , (TWO), and (THREE) he refers to. MORE:
[…] Today, the NCGOP Convention website reflects six resolutions, not the seven I sent up before the deadline. It instead reflects the merged resolution on the transparency and openness issues (which had failed in committee)- but omitted the two standalone resolutions that virtually all of the committee wanted to be forwarded.
We all recognize the purpose of this deviation from the rules is to “kill” any attempts at disciplining the Central Committee. Everyone knows the rank and file will have a much harder time voting for the merged resolution, even though they would CERTAINLY have voted for the standalone resolution that eliminates the NDA.
Additionally, I question why these resolutions are ordered differently than they were submitted- moving the Due Process resolution to the last of the six. We all recognize that resolutions sometimes take a while to get to and that time can run out before the final ones are voted at convention- causing some of them to be delayed to a later meeting. The Due Process resolution ought to be front loaded in the bundle of resolutions as it is very important to the rank and file membership of the GOP and our Executive Committee.
Word of this will get around the state GOP rank and file very quickly if these mistakes aren’t corrected immediately. Several of the Resolutions Committee members, myself included, are shocked at what has transpired. Need your assurance the above corrections will be forthcoming immediately and that the two separate resolutions are published as submitted. I await your response.
Warm Regards/
Jim Womack
Resolutions Committee Member
Lee County
Here is committee member Catherine Stash throwing in her two cents:
Just looked at the NCGOP Convention website. There were six resolutions submitted on there. Although the Merged resolution only received three (3) out of eight votes it’s on there in place of the two separate ones which received seven (7) votes each.
I don’t understand. What was the point of voting then? Eight is still over 50% of 15 people on the committee… I’d just like some clarification.
Ms. Stash wasn’t done — making one more attempt at reaching Blust:
John and my fellow committee members,
I’m sending this out one last time so everyone has all eight resolutions together in one email. I’ve also removed the highlighted areas off #8 and attached them in the order they are listed below.
1. Resolution to Close the Republican Party Primaries in NC –
2. Resolution on Refugees from Terrorist Nations –
3. Resolution on the Proposed Light Rail System –
4. Resolution on Due Process –
5. Resolution on Elimination NDA used by the CC –
6. Resolution to Guarantee Credible and Transparent Performance of CC –
7. Merged Resolution – #5 and #6 –
8. Resolution Opposing Article V Convention –
This is where we are now with the votes I’ve managed to count as of 10:18pm:
1. Resolution to Close the Republican Party Primaries in NC – (Fremont) 8 votes
2. Resolution on Refugees from Terrorist Nations – (Cat) 8 votes
3. Resolution on the Proposed Light Rail System – (Pam) 8 votes
4. Resolution on Due Process – (Jim) 8 votes
5. Resolution on Elimination NDA used by the CC – (Jim) 7 votes
6. Resolution to Guarantee Credible and Transparent Performance of CC – (Fremont) 7 votes
7. Merged Resolution – #5 and #6 – (Fremont & Jim) 3 votes
8. Resolution Opposing Article V Convention – (Rick) 8 votes
And the eight (8) people who have voted:
Pam S.
Jim W.
Denise R.
Jacque E.
Fremont B. III
Rick W.
Richard S.
Cat S.
James K. (Jim) Womack is a 1977 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering.
Jim also holds a Master of Science Degree from American Technological University and a Master of Military Arts & Science Degree from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
Jim has served North Carolina state government as Director for North Carolina’s Public Health Information Systems in the state’s Department of Health & Human Services, as a member of the North Carolina Mining & Energy Commission and currently serves as member of the North Carolina Oil and Gas Commission.
Jim has served his local community as a member of the Lee County Commission from 2010 to 2104 and continues to serve as Vice Chairman of the Lee County Republican Party and a member of the NCGOP Executive Committee.