By Sammy Dodd
Central Committee Members,
My name is Sammy Dodd. I am a Precinct Chairman of HJ MacDonald Precinct in Craven County. I am a former NCGOP Executive Committee Member, and 2012 National Delegate. I am writing you today concerning an email communication I received from Republicans for Ethics and Transparency. This group held a protest at Pitt Community College delivering an open records request to the College’s leadership. In response, Mr. Ken Robol contacted Todd Bennett, leader of RFET via text message. In that communication, Mr. Robol makes his wishes known to be off the train and his desire to get Mr. Bennett, and RFET the truth. The screenshots of the conversation were in the email communication I received last night.
At very least this shows the SWORN Affidavit Mr. Robol signed is not fully accurate. Half truths at best. I am afraid that many of you who voted in your emergency meeting on March 20th, voted on the censure of Chairman Harnett, and Daniel Rufty made your decisions based upon this affidavit.
This situation has not only tarnished the reputation of a good Christian man, this has tarnished the reputation of Republicans in North Carolina as a whole. Unfortunately, our candidates may be the ones who pay the ultimate price over this whole spat.
Information shared with me suggests that Mr. Robol could have been coerced by individuals on the Central Committee, and other Republicans close to the 3rd District into giving this false affidavit. It is a shame to tarnish a man’s reputation by putting on him what appears to be a felony. Now Mr. Robol may be affected as well as it looks like he could be charged with at least two felonies.
Something needs to be done NOW to stop this madness. I have no desire to see anyone go to jail, but I would like to see accountability. Both Chairman Harnett, and the Central Committee need to put a stop to this. Both sides need to release a public apology, move on, and work to salvage our November Elections.
Those who voted in favor of Censuring Chairman Harnett, and Daniel Rufty based upon this affidavit that were not directly involved in this setup need to come forward and distance themselves from this mess.
Censures need to be removed from Chairman Harnett and Daniel Rufty and immediately have all the duties and privileges of their offices restored. Resignations or removal need to happen of those who have shown direct involvement, so far based on documentation already publicly seen, it appears, Joyce Cotten, Kim West, her husband, Scott Cumbie and legal council Stark need to resign or be removed. I pray no more individuals are involved.
We need to put a stop to this, hold those accountable who initiated this mess, and move forward as a party. I hope and pray we can get it together now, rather than later.
Sammy Dodd
Sammy Dodd is a Constitutional Conservative Activist who currently serves as Precinct Chairman and Craven County GOP Executive Committee member. Sammy has served in the past on the District 1 GOP Executive Committee, on the NCGOP Executive Committee, and as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Tampa in 2012. He resides in New Bern with his wife.