Dorothea Scott Alderfer
Senior Parliamentary Advisor
Buncombe County GOP
Called meeting of the NCGOP Executive Committee
April 30, 2016 10 A.M. Raleigh, NC
DATE: April 16, 2016
I question the validity of this meeting for the following reasons:
1. The Chairman against whom charges have been made cannot be present to defend himself as he will be out of the country. Prior notice of this out-of-the country commitment was given by the Chairman January, 2016.
2. Prior notice of this meeting to Chairman Harnett by registered mail has not been received in a timely manner as is required.
I question the proposed Agenda.
I can find nowhere in the NCOP Plan of Organization where the Executive Committee has the authority to either appoint or elect the NCGOP Party Chairman.
Therefore, I recommend that this meeting be cancelled.
A former broadcaster, Dorothea Scott Alderfer has owned and managed radio stations in North and South Carolina. Dorothea has served as Parliamentarian to nine Buncombe County GOP chairmen, District Convention Parliamentarian several times, Delegate to National GOP Convention in San Diego, CA, Precinct Chair, Precinct Judge, Area Coordinator, and BCGOP Treasurer for 4 years.
Ken Robol is a major figure in the effort to depose Hasan Harnett as NCGOP Chairman. According to his “sworn statement”, Chairman Harnett tried to get Robol to hack into NCGOP servers.
As the texts below show, after giving his “sworn statement”, Mr. Robol expressed a desire to get the truth out. If his “sworn statement” is the truth, what remains to be shared? Does telling the truth require a lawyer?
Another question: why is Dallas Woodhouse so concerned that Todd Bennett is texting with Ken Robol?
Below are screenshots provided by Todd Bennett, detailing text messages between Todd and Ken Robol, and between Todd and Dallas Woodhouse.
Our apologies for the uneven quality of the screenshots. – Editor
At their April 14 meeting, the Buncombe County Republican Women’s Club unanimously passed the following resolution:
RESOLUTION- Due Process for NCGOP Chairman
WHEREAS, Hasan Harnett was duly elected by the rank and file members of the North Carolina Republican Party at the 2015 State Convention; and
WHEREAS, Hasan Harnett continues to serve the State GOP with a special regard for the concerns and opinions of the grass roots activists of the party; and
WHEREAS, by the State GOP Plan of Organization, Hasan Harnett’s term of elected office extends until the State GOP convention of 2017; and
WHEREAS, no criminal or civil charges have preferred against Hasan Harnett for any alleged malfeasance he may have committed in his capacity as NCGOP Chairman; and
WHEREAS, certain members of the State GOP Central Committee have sought to deny Hasan Harnett access to email, party databases, office space and other resources and technology he needs to perform his duties as prescribed by the Plan of Organization; and
WHEREAS, certain members of the State GOP interpret the Plan of Organization in such manner as to construe it to give them the powers to over-ride Hasan Harnett in the routine execution of his duties; and
WHEREAS, certain members of the Central Committee have sought to usurp powers of the Executive Committee as prescribed by the Plan of Organization in controlling or disciplining Hasan Harnett in his capacity as NCGOP Chairman; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the North Carolina Republican Party that Hasan Harnett is to be sustained as the NCGOP Chairman with the full powers and authority as prescribed by the Plan of Organization until his term of elected office is completed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NCGOP Central Committee is directed to work collaboratively with the Chairman in a positive and productive manner, to afford the Chairman all the rights, privileges and courtesies associated with the position, and to refrain from denying him access to his email, party databases, office space, or any resources afforded the previous Chairmen, without due process and the expressed permission of the Executive Committee.
Adopted this 14th day of April, 2016
(signed by Linda Humphries, President and Beth Gurnack, Secretary )
You can see and download an image of the resolution here.
At the same meeting, the Buncombe County Republican Women’s Club also passed are Resolution of Support of House Bill 2 and a Resolution requesting amendment to the NCGOP Plan of Organization increasing authority of party chairman and executive committee. – Editor
Chairman Hasan Harnett should have any and everything you have stripped him of given back to him immediately. By the stroke of a pen a very few people have stripped North Carolina’s pick of GOP Chairman his chairmanship.
I don’t believe you have the authority to take what the voters of North Carolina gave our Chairman.
The Haywood County GOP Executive Committee met last night. The following was passed unanimously.
The Haywood County GOP Executive Committee demands that NC GOP Chairman Hasan Harnett is restored his powers and duties immediately.
My name is Sammy Dodd. I am a Precinct Chairman of HJ MacDonald Precinct in Craven County. I am a former NCGOP Executive Committee Member, and 2012 National Delegate. I am writing you today concerning an email communication I received from Republicans for Ethics and Transparency. This group held a protest at Pitt Community College delivering an open records request to the College’s leadership. In response, Mr. Ken Robol contacted Todd Bennett, leader of RFET via text message. In that communication, Mr. Robol makes his wishes known to be off the train and his desire to get Mr. Bennett, and RFET the truth. The screenshots of the conversation were in the email communication I received last night.
At very least this shows the SWORN Affidavit Mr. Robol signed is not fully accurate. Half truths at best. I am afraid that many of you who voted in your emergency meeting on March 20th, voted on the censure of Chairman Harnett, and Daniel Rufty made your decisions based upon this affidavit.
This situation has not only tarnished the reputation of a good Christian man, this has tarnished the reputation of Republicans in North Carolina as a whole. Unfortunately, our candidates may be the ones who pay the ultimate price over this whole spat.
Information shared with me suggests that Mr. Robol could have been coerced by individuals on the Central Committee, and other Republicans close to the 3rd District into giving this false affidavit. It is a shame to tarnish a man’s reputation by putting on him what appears to be a felony. Now Mr. Robol may be affected as well as it looks like he could be charged with at least two felonies.
Something needs to be done NOW to stop this madness. I have no desire to see anyone go to jail, but I would like to see accountability. Both Chairman Harnett, and the Central Committee need to put a stop to this. Both sides need to release a public apology, move on, and work to salvage our November Elections.
Those who voted in favor of Censuring Chairman Harnett, and Daniel Rufty based upon this affidavit that were not directly involved in this setup need to come forward and distance themselves from this mess.
Censures need to be removed from Chairman Harnett and Daniel Rufty and immediately have all the duties and privileges of their offices restored. Resignations or removal need to happen of those who have shown direct involvement, so far based on documentation already publicly seen, it appears, Joyce Cotten, Kim West, her husband, Scott Cumbie and legal council Stark need to resign or be removed. I pray no more individuals are involved.
We need to put a stop to this, hold those accountable who initiated this mess, and move forward as a party. I hope and pray we can get it together now, rather than later.
Sammy Dodd
Sammy Dodd is a Constitutional Conservative Activist who currently serves as Precinct Chairman and Craven County GOP Executive Committee member. Sammy has served in the past on the District 1 GOP Executive Committee, on the NCGOP Executive Committee, and as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Tampa in 2012. He resides in New Bern with his wife.
For the past couple of weeks, I have tried my best to ignore the attacks against me and my character. I have ignored dozens of media interview requests in an effort to minimize the damage to our Party. I have been bombarded by Tom Stark and other Central Committee members, and I cannot sit back and ignore it any longer.
I got into politics here in North Carolina immediately after I was medically retired from the U.S. Army in 2009. I served four honorable years, and I loved every minute of it. The Army instilled core values into me: honor, integrity, loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, and personal courage. These are the values that I rely on when life gets tough. My plans were to make a career in the Army, but after serving four years, my career was interrupted by an injury that I received while on duty.
When I joined the Army, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United State of America. I take that oath very seriously. I got involved in politics because I saw our God given rights being eroded by our over reaching Federal Government. I could not sit back and watch my country be destroyed. I had to do something.
Shortly after beginning my involvement in the North Carolina Republican Party, I was elected as the 12th District Chairman. I am now serving my second term. I love this Party, and love serving the people in it. I wish we could all be adults, and move past this garbage that is destroying our Party.
Tom Stark and the Central Committee are dead set on destroying anyone in their way. Hasan Harnett is one of the most honest and humble men I know. I hate seeing such a good man being destroyed by people in his own party. It is despicable.
What evidence do they have against Chairman Harnett?
They have a statement from an admitted hacker. It is ludicrous to paint this hacker as a hero as Tom Stark has tried to do. Tom Stark said that Ken Robol’s statements were “honorable.” There is nothing honorable about soliciting the hacking of our NC GOP website, and trying to set up our State Chairman. I served my Country next to some of the greatest men that ever stepped foot on this earth. I know a hero when I see one, and Ken Robol is far from it.
Ken Robol contacted Michele Nix, Chairman Harnett and I soliciting the hacking of the NC GOP website. Attached are the screenshots of all three of our conversations with Robol. Vice-Chairwoman Nix, Chairman Harnett, nor I ever ordered Ken Robol to hack into the website. These claims by Ken Robol and Tom Stark are bald faced lies.
I cannot think of a more discredited witness than an admitted hacker. Hacking into a website is illegal, no matter what the purpose is. No reasonable person in their right mind would believe Robol’s statement.
Tom Stark and the Central Committee are basing their entire witch hunt against Chairman Harnett on a hacker’s statement. That is ridiculous. Ask yourself, would someone that fully intended on hacking into a website, and in fact solicited the hacking of the website, run immediately to Tom Stark General Counsel to make a statement? You would be a fool to believe that story.
I say put up or shut up. If Chairman Harnett did something illegal, then call the F.B.I. If not, then shut up. This witch hunt is destroying our chances of winning the Presidency, and the Governorship.
Tom Stark is our General Counsel. The NC GOP General Counsel should be a person of the utmost character and professionalism. The General Counsel should be objective in their analysis of internal issues, and base his opinion on facts. Tom Stark’s public statement against Chairman Harnett lacks any factual basis, and is full of name calling and speculation. Calling other Republican “confederates” is very disrespectful and unprofessional. His public attacks against our Republican leader are unbecoming of the office he holds.
Many of you received a letter in the mail from Tom Stark paid for by the North Carolina Republican Party. This is an egregious way of using our Party funds. I have donated thousands of dollars to the Party, and to think my money has been used to further this infighting is outrageous. Our money should be going to help get Republicans elected, not further one’s agenda on kicking a fellow Republican leader out of our Party.
I was censured on March 20th along with Chairman Harnett. I wear that as a badge of honor. I am ashamed to be a part of such a dishonest group of people. They lie, cheat, and twist the plan of organization to fit their agenda. What they are doing to our Chairman is despicable.
Still to this day, I have not been told why I was censured. My remarks were short in the Central Committee meeting. I called the Central Committee meeting on March 20th out of order at the beginning of the meeting because they failed to properly notify all Central Committee members with the required 10 day notice. Tom Stark proceeded to do a verbal gymnastic routine around our Plan of Organization to call the meeting notice in order. I have contacted two certified parliamentarians, and they both agree that the notice requirement were not adhered to properly.
Robert Rules of Order 11th Edition:
“If improper conduct by a member of a society occurs elsewhere than at a meeting, the members generally have no first-hand knowledge of the case. Therefore, if disciplinary action is to be taken, charges must be preferred and a formal trial held before the assembly of the society…” Pg. 649
‘Formal Notification Of The Officer Or Member:
Secretary immediately sends to the accused, by a method providing confirmation of delivery to his address (such as registered mail with delivery confirmation), a letter notifying him of the date, hour, and place of the trial containing an exact copy of the charge(s) and specifications with the date of their adoption, and directing him to appear as cited-even if the accused officer or member was present when the resolutions were adopted.’ Pg. 663
Neither Chairman Harnett nor I were ever formally notified of the trial the Central Committee was going to carry out against us. Robert Rules of Order states that the accused in a disciplinary trial must be duly notified and that there be a fair hearing. Neither of these occurred making the censures invalid. In America we believe in due process. We believe that the accused should have a chance to plead their case. What the Central Committee did was unAmerican. Accusing a man of something in his absence is cowardly.
The establishment wants to kick out all grassroots Republicans from our party. That is the real reason why they set the $90 delegate fee. They want control and power, and the less people involved in our party the easier it is to control.
I will continue to stand with our Chairman, and fight for what is right. They can continue to trash my good name, but it is not going to scare me away.
Daniel Rufty is a US Army Veteran and small business owner. Daniel holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance and Political Science (dual major) from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Daniel lives with his wife and two children in Charlotte, and holds the office of NCGOP 12th District Chairman.
Daniel Rufty isn’t the only one upset with Tom Stark and the NCGOP Central Committee. See another letter here. – Editor
This is an “open letter” as I shall send copies of it to other people whom I have reason to believe will be interested.
Please, stop attacking our Chairman, Hasan Harnett.
Please, stop hiding your actions by having your members sign nondisclosure agreements at your meetings.
Please, stop your efforts to circumvent the will of NC Republicans.
Your behavior is proving very damaging to our Party. As a matter of fact, it is sabotaging our very purpose for existing. You have succeeded in focusing attention on your misdeeds at a time when you should be building human infrastructure in precincts all across our state which is capable of focusing attention on our good candidates and our marvelous platform before the November elections. Shame on you.
I have read Hasan Harnett’s responses to your charges (including his email of 4-6-16) as well as the supporting documentation he included, and I believe his version of what happened. His statements are calm, measured, and logical. The supporting materials (screen shots of communications between him and Ken Robol, for example) are strongly persuasive.
We have a Party Chairman who is well spoken, logical, charming, likeable, kind, and an excellent ambassador for us. It is harmful to our Party that you are not supporting him.
Now, let us consider those nondisclosure agreements. You have used them to hide your work from the NC GOP Executive Committee. This is a practice which is entirely inappropriate. By this method, you have created a climate of distrust and further damaged our Party.
Your efforts to circumvent the will of the body are legion. Hasan Harnett was elected Chairman at the 2015 NC GOP Convention by a majority of delegates attending. He was the choice of the people of the NC GOP. That was not good enough for you. You immediately began a campaign of opposition. Your vocal opposition is harmful to our Party.
Currently, you are trying to circumvent the decision of the Resolutions Committee about what resolutions to hear, which version to hear, and in what order the resolutions are to be presented at the upcoming NC GOP Convention. I suggest that if you do not allow the resolutions to be handled EXACTLY in accordance with the Resolutions Committee’s report, you will do additional damage to our Party.
Also currently, the Convention Rules Committee is proposing a rule which would require a two-thirds majority of delegate votes in order to pass a resolution at the upcoming NC GOP Convention. In the past, only a simple majority has been needed in order to pass a resolution. I suspect you have stacked the Rules Committee in an attempt to control the fate of the proposed resolutions at the Convention. There are very few things for which the NC GOP Plan of Organization requires a super-majority; this is not one of them. Please, stop finagling the rules in an attempt to get your way. If delegates in attendance believe they have been circumvented, it will be harmful to our Party.
Through these and other maneuvers to avoid the will of the body, you are tearing the very fabric of the NC GOP apart. Please, cease and desist at once.
Very truly yours,
Raynor James
Raynor James, CFP is a Past President of the Washington DC Chapter of the International Association of Financial Planners and has written a regular column on financial planning for the Business Review of Washington. Raynor has worked as a Commercial Real Estate Broker in the Washington DC Metro area.
Raynor is a past Chairman and current Legislative Action Committee Chair of the Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association, and serves as Member At Large from the 3rd District to the NCGOP Executive Committee.
Raynor’s husband Brigadier General Hal James, US Army (retired) served on active duty and in the Army National Guard for 40 years. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Virginia. Hal currently serves as Craven County GOP Finance Chair, Vice Chair for Legislative and Political Action in District 3, and is a Member At Large of the NCGOP Executive Committee. General James also serves as Watchdog Committee Chair for the Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association.
Raynor James isn’t the only one disappointed in the actions of Tom Stark and the NCGOP Central Committee. See another letter here. – Editor
Executive committee member Jim Womack put his latest set of concerns in writing to NCGOP executive director Dallas Woodhouse and head mutineer Joyce Cotten:
Jim Womack
Dallas & Joyce;
Imagine my disgust at receiving a 5-page “open letter” today from our NCGOP General Counsel providing a very one-sided, incomplete, and questionable account of the activities of our Chairman over the past few weeks. I want to know just how much it cost the NCGOP to publish and mail this open letter to NCGOP members statewide? And I want to know who authorized this to be sent at a cost to our depleted NCGOP bank account?
I serve on the NCGOP Executive Committee and I did not vote to authorize this kind of quill driving for any purpose. As with previous mailings and web postings, there is nothing of substance; but rather innuendo and half-truths in the letter. The missive merely serves to confuse and upset the party base, rather than to inform. Whoever authorized the mailing by our General Counsel should be disciplined, along with Mr. Stark, himself, for sending this useless diatribe. In fact, the letter wasn’t even timely- it was dated March 31st. It contained inaccurate information that was contradicted by the calendar of District Conventions also enclosed.
I am sickened at the sustained onslaught against our Chairman. I demand that we cease and desist in sending this kind of correspondence. These distractions are harming the party’s reputation, eroding support from rank and file GOP activists, and diminishing the chances we can elect or re-elect our Council of State candidates this fall.
Please communicate this immediately to the Central Committee.
Jim Womack
That note prompted this response from Woodhouse:
Jim: a couple of points. I believe the decision to release the materials came in part because of the Chairmans call for everything to be released.
As far as costs go, I believe it was minimal because the notice of cancellation of the April 9th meeting.
And then THIS from Womack:
I do not recall the Chairman calling for the release of half-truths, which certainly isn’t a release of “everything,” and I know he didn’t ask for this to be mailed out at expense to the NCGOP. Please tell me why the NCGOP didn’t enclose his written rebuttal to this propaganda? Isn’t that a part of “everything?”
Please assure us this will be the last of these unsolicited mailings that we are all sick of receiving from the Central Committee.
Hasan canceled his call for an April 9th Executive Committee meeting. We were notified of that meeting electronically and we it had already been canceled electronically. I eagerly await (electronic) notification of the Central Committee’s cancellation of the April 30th called meeting that, to date, still hasn’t been authorized according to our Plan of Organization.
James K. (Jim) Womack is a 1977 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering.
Jim also holds a Master of Science Degree from American Technological University and a Master of Military Arts & Science Degree from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
Jim has served North Carolina state government as Director for North Carolina’s Public Health Information Systems in the state’s Department of Health & Human Services, as a member of the North Carolina Mining & Energy Commission and currently serves as member of the North Carolina Oil and Gas Commission.
Jim has served his local community as a member of the Lee County Commission from 2010 to 2104 and continues to serve as Vice Chairman of the Lee County Republican Party and a member of the NCGOP Executive Committee.
Email is a wonderful thing. Especially in the world of politics, where lies and double-talk are, unfortunately, the norm instead of the exception. Anyway, I digress.
The state GOP’s resolutions committee was hard at work last night trying to meet a deadline for the upcoming convention. Here’s our friend Jim Womack conversing with State Rep. John Blust, his committee colleagues and other interested parties:
Attached to this email are three resolutions. The first two were brought to the Resolutions Committee separately to correct problems with openness and transparency by the Central Committee. The third resolution was one prepared internal to the Resolutions Committee to merge the two (at the request of one of the members). We voted all three resolutions. The first two had at least seven committee votes each, which was near unanimous of those participating (only one dissenting vote by my count). Only three people voted to submit the merged resolution, falling well short of plurality. Last night, at 11:30PM I forwarded the seven resolutions that passed our committee up to the Central Committee. After you stopped communicating with the committee members around 9PM last night we all thought you were going to miss his deadline for filing the report, so I filed it in your absence.[…]
Here are the three resolutions ( ONE) , (TWO), and (THREE) he refers to. MORE:
[…] Today, the NCGOP Convention website reflects six resolutions, not the seven I sent up before the deadline. It instead reflects the merged resolution on the transparency and openness issues (which had failed in committee)- but omitted the two standalone resolutions that virtually all of the committee wanted to be forwarded.
We all recognize the purpose of this deviation from the rules is to “kill” any attempts at disciplining the Central Committee. Everyone knows the rank and file will have a much harder time voting for the merged resolution, even though they would CERTAINLY have voted for the standalone resolution that eliminates the NDA.
Additionally, I question why these resolutions are ordered differently than they were submitted- moving the Due Process resolution to the last of the six. We all recognize that resolutions sometimes take a while to get to and that time can run out before the final ones are voted at convention- causing some of them to be delayed to a later meeting. The Due Process resolution ought to be front loaded in the bundle of resolutions as it is very important to the rank and file membership of the GOP and our Executive Committee.
Word of this will get around the state GOP rank and file very quickly if these mistakes aren’t corrected immediately. Several of the Resolutions Committee members, myself included, are shocked at what has transpired. Need your assurance the above corrections will be forthcoming immediately and that the two separate resolutions are published as submitted. I await your response.
Warm Regards/
Jim Womack
Resolutions Committee Member
Lee County
Here is committee member Catherine Stash throwing in her two cents:
Just looked at the NCGOP Convention website. There were six resolutions submitted on there. Although the Merged resolution only received three (3) out of eight votes it’s on there in place of the two separate ones which received seven (7) votes each.
I don’t understand. What was the point of voting then? Eight is still over 50% of 15 people on the committee… I’d just like some clarification.
Ms. Stash wasn’t done — making one more attempt at reaching Blust:
John and my fellow committee members,
I’m sending this out one last time so everyone has all eight resolutions together in one email. I’ve also removed the highlighted areas off #8 and attached them in the order they are listed below.
1. Resolution to Close the Republican Party Primaries in NC –
2. Resolution on Refugees from Terrorist Nations –
3. Resolution on the Proposed Light Rail System –
4. Resolution on Due Process –
5. Resolution on Elimination NDA used by the CC –
6. Resolution to Guarantee Credible and Transparent Performance of CC –
7. Merged Resolution – #5 and #6 –
8. Resolution Opposing Article V Convention –
This is where we are now with the votes I’ve managed to count as of 10:18pm:
1. Resolution to Close the Republican Party Primaries in NC – (Fremont) 8 votes
2. Resolution on Refugees from Terrorist Nations – (Cat) 8 votes
3. Resolution on the Proposed Light Rail System – (Pam) 8 votes
4. Resolution on Due Process – (Jim) 8 votes
5. Resolution on Elimination NDA used by the CC – (Jim) 7 votes
6. Resolution to Guarantee Credible and Transparent Performance of CC – (Fremont) 7 votes
7. Merged Resolution – #5 and #6 – (Fremont & Jim) 3 votes
8. Resolution Opposing Article V Convention – (Rick) 8 votes
And the eight (8) people who have voted:
Pam S.
Jim W.
Denise R.
Jacque E.
Fremont B. III
Rick W.
Richard S.
Cat S.
James K. (Jim) Womack is a 1977 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering.
Jim also holds a Master of Science Degree from American Technological University and a Master of Military Arts & Science Degree from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
Jim has served North Carolina state government as Director for North Carolina’s Public Health Information Systems in the state’s Department of Health & Human Services, as a member of the North Carolina Mining & Energy Commission and currently serves as member of the North Carolina Oil and Gas Commission.
Jim has served his local community as a member of the Lee County Commission from 2010 to 2104 and continues to serve as Vice Chairman of the Lee County Republican Party and a member of the NCGOP Executive Committee.
Now, the Lee County Republican — an Army veteran, former county commissioner, and current NCGOP executive committee and resolutions committtee member — senses there is something really rotten in DenmarkRaleigh:
In reviewing the Rules Committee report for our upcoming NCGOP Convention tonight, I couldn’t help but notice what I think is a major change in rules on voting our resolutions and a VIOLATION of our State Plan of Organization:
“Rule 10 H. A resolution shall require a two-thirds vote of the Delegates in the affirmative in order to pass.”
Now, I recall from past conventions that a simple majority was all that was needed to pass a resolution. Plus, our Plan of Organization makes no mention of having a super majority of votes to do anything except to amend the plan of organization, to consider resolutions not presented until the day of the convention, to suspend convention rules, to address matters for which proper notice had not been given, to take on debt, to declare someone ineligible to hold office, or to remove someone from office.
I can only surmise that this new rule is being cleverly inserted to prevent resolutions that are unpopular with certain party elites from passing. Goodness knows the party elites were not happy last year with the passage of a few conservative resolutions that passed muster with the GOP rank and file- even though the resolutions were seriously delayed through cheap parliamentary tricks until well after the convention.
Please join me in asking the NCGOP leadership to leave the voting requirement at a simple majority for resolutions that were reported out of the Resolutions Committee. To do otherwise is a slap in the face of our faithful conference attendees.
Warm Regards/
Jim Womack
Lee County
Resolutions Committee Member from District 2